March 5, 2015

Betta Fish Natural Habitat

Spotted betta fish natural habitat is blackwater river in Java and Sumatera (Indonesia) and Malay peninsula.

A blackwater river is a river with a deep, slow-moving channel flowing through forested swamps or wetlands. As vegetation decays, tannins leach into the water, making a transparent, acidic water that is darkly stained, resembling tea or coffee.
sumatera blackwater river, betta fish natural habitat
Sumatera blackwater river, betta fish natural habitat

So the above picture is one of the blackwater river in Sumatera where betta fish in the wild really "Betah" and healthy to stay. Because in this kind of water contains sooo many zooplanktons. Named it "Coffe." And what you see below is known biggest fish tank picture i have ever seen. Is it a betta fish tank? I am not sure.

Now, what do you think? are these pictures comparable as apple-to-apple? Nah, that is the reason of why the first thing we have to provide in order to increase the betta fish life span is a long and large size of an tropical fish tank. A tropical tank that has been equipped with a built-in thermostat ready water heater too keep temperature around 23ºC-27ºC and good water filtration system is highly recommended.

betta fish tank with water plants
great betta fish tank with water plants

What about 2 pictures listed below? The first one is "the Tea", just another blackwater river in Sumatera with slightly brigther water compared to the first one. This kind of river also common betta fish natural habitat.

sumatera blackwater river, betta fish natural habitat
Sumatera blackwater river, betta fish natural habitat

And this one? Another jumbo fish tank complete with water plants and a little tree trunk wich try to resemble betta fish natural habitat. Your betta fish or iamese fighting fish will happy to swim around this fish tank, so they will less stress. And stress is the common reasons or cause of betta fish life span shorter (actually for any kind of animals/pets in general).

betta fish tank with water plants
good betta fish tank with water plants

So, the conflusion is simple: strive to create beautiful environments for our betta fish nor siamese figthing fish, because they deserve the freedom they get, when they are in wild. For sure, not every one will have money and time to provide a 50 gallon fish tank that can make our little betta fish very happy to keep swimming, and keep swimming, and keep swimming. Just like Dory in the Finding Nemo :)

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About this post

betta fish Betta Fish Natural Habitat was first published on the Betta Fish Life

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