March 5, 2015

Life Expectancy of Betta Fish

The Life Expectancy of Betta Fish for both of Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) and the Spotted Betta (Betta Picta) is 2 up to 3 years. But we can increase the life span of betta fish up to 4-5 years by taking proper care for them. In very rare case, betta fish life span can be up to 10 years!

betta fish life span
pretty Spotted Betta fish

By proper care means we have to provide them a habitats just like in the wild conditions. Did you know that betta fish natural habitats is very wild and complex? Siamese fighting betta fish natural habitats is the Mekong basin of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Whereas the spotted betta fish natural habitats is blackwater rivers in Java and Sumatera (Indonesia) and Malay peninsula. Usually, wild bettas also can be found in a small pond, river, drain, standing waters of canals, rice paddies, and floodplains.

betta fish natural habitat
pretty Siamese Fighting fish

So the first thing we have to provide in order to increase the betta fish life span is a long and large size of an tropical fish tank. Normal tropical tank that has been equipped with a built-in thermostat ready water heater too keep temperature around 23ºC-27ºC and good water filtration system is highly recommended.

Oh, don't forget a fish tank thermometer to monitor water temperature condition and air pump to increase water circulation and supply adequate gas exchange at the water surface. Bettas also love water plants. Plants added to water in a fresh water fish tank would give off enough oxygen for bettas, so long as their numbers don't grow too large.

betta fish origin
pretty Betta Splendens fish

Another thing that must be considered in order to extend the life expectancy of bettas is healthy food for them. Betta usually consume live food in the wild. They prefer zooplankton, crustaceans, live bloodworms and the larva of mosquitoes.

Feeding healthy food to the bettas not just good for them self. It is good to their owner too, because good food contains high protein that could improve their color. So, that's why improving betta fish life span with good and healthy live food is a must for their lovers.

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About this post

betta fish Life Expectancy of Betta Fish was first published on the Betta Fish Life

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